The holidays are fast approaching and it is time to decorate your home for Christmas. It can be fun to extend your Christmas decorations into every room in your house. Children love it if they can have their own Christmas decorations in their own rooms. Here are three fun kid bedroom decoration ideas that you can easily incorporate to create a great space for your children.
Mini Christmas Tree
One easy kid bedroom decoration idea is to put a table size tree in his bedroom. You can decorate the tree with colorful lights. You can allow him to make his own decorations out of salt dough cookies or buy an ornament making kit to complete over the Thanksgiving holidays. Another option is to put the ornaments you give him each year for Christmas on this tree.
You may want to hand a stocking in the room, as well. Depending on the size and age of your child, a tabletop tree on a dresser may work well, or you can put a small tree in a corner of the room.
Snowflake Room
Snowflakes are another option you can use to decorate for the holidays. You can create your own snowflakes and decorate them with glitter to hang from the ceiling on string. You can also tape them to the walls, mirror and windows in the room. This is also easy to customize for a boy or girl, you can choose blue and silver glitter for the boys and choose pink and purple glitter for the girls. Children can help you cut out the snowflakes or you can order snowflake decorations online. Stringing white lights around the ceiling of the room can help to bring it even more to life.
This transitions well into the New Year. You can make this more creative by creating a Christmas countdown with the snowflakes. You can number each of the snowflakes and write an activity to complete each of the days leading up to Christmas.
Decorate with Christmas Themed Toys and Bedding
If you have toddlers or preschoolers, you will want to create a room that is still very kid friendly. One kid bedroom decoration idea that works well is to use Christmas themed toys to decorate the room. You can put out stuffed animals that are wearing Christmas sweaters or hats. Another option is to buy a Nativity or Christmas Village set that the children can play with, but you can leave set up in the room to decorate. Fisher Price sells both of these options. You can create a Legos Christmas village too, and have your children work on adding buildings to it each day.
You can also swap out your child’s bedding for something more holidays related for the month of December.