Looking after kids is definitely not easy. This is one of the most responsible and difficult tasks an adult person will ever have to face. Children require care, attention, proper upbringing, education and have a whole plethora of other needs you will have to take care of. This is not mentioning the fact that your home will become a lair of chaos as your child runs around rampantly wreaking havoc.
Taking care of a child is one of the most responsible of all jobs (because it’s way more involving than any full-time job).
Human life literally depends on you – both your child’s and the people he will ever affect. It’s up to you to make sure that your child grows up to be a responsible and accountable person. You need to do everything in your power to ensure that he grows up to be a decent human being.
This article is not about the challenges of upbringing, or at least not today. No, this is about helping you introduce some order in the chaos that is your home thanks to your little one. There will be a lot you need to do, but you sure will be up to the challenge.
Color Tape
One of the things kids love most in this world is drawing. Children have an extremely vivid imagination so you can understand why they always want to tinker about with painting and drawing. They want to manifest what they see in their minds.
However, what this means for you as a parent is lots and lots of sheets of paper the child will be handing to you, expecting that you will appreciate the artistic genius behind the work. A good parent should be supportive so you shouldn’t just throw them away.
Remember, your child has put a lot of effort into drawing that elephant in an expressionist manner, so if you just throw the picture away it will break his heart. But you can’t let them lie around, either. So what can you do?
An elegant solution is turning to color tape. It’s perfect for hanging the pictures on the wall in a non-invasive way. It will allow you to have some order in your home while making your child happy in the same time. The tape can be made to look like a frame, so your little Van Gogh will be glad that you are making an exhibition of his work.
A Mobile Library
Almost all of us have a cart or a wagon just lying around minding its own business and serving no purpose. Why not clean it up, repair it and get it indoors? This way you can create a mobile library for your child, and so much more. You can keep books, toys, drawing materials and anything you like in there and the kid can move it around and play wherever he/she wants.
This is genius on so many levels. Children don’t like to stay in one place for too long so it would be a good idea to address this fact. Not only that, but also keep in mind that this way you will be using something you would’ve otherwise left in the garage to collect dust for not apparent reason.
So there you have it – an exquisite solution to a common problem. You can the most important items for your child in the wagon where they will be easily accessible. It’s not a big deal, but it will help you a lot organization-wise. Once you deal with pictures, books and toys, you’ve contained the chaos. Find Kids Room furniture online in Pepperfry.com.
July Minor loves to write about kids and home improvement. She is currently the manager of an end of tenancy cleaning team but her free time she spends with her kids.