As for many household, kitchen is the hub of activity and center of home, remodeling can be a major undertaking. Not only the expense, but also the inconvenience the owner has to bear while carrying out such undertakings. In spite of such a fact, remodeling of kitchen has always been taken up.
For the right renovation, proper planning is necessary. Below mentioned tips would make your renovation run smoothly:
It is better to decide prior to your planning what stuffs would be required, as budget is the only check list that could help in tracking out what is needed and what is not. If it hasn’t been renovated for years, an outdated kitchen could be potentially dangerous. Until and unless you have controlled the faulty appliances, plumbing or wiring it won’t be safe to start the renovation. Inspection from an expert could give you a clear picture.
You could either work on the same floor layout or engineer a new one. But, if budget is not a concern, then sky is the limit and with a limited fund you would have to limit your creativity. For instance, if you are getting out a new water connection in your kitchen then it would cost much and would take a lot of work. Hence, the better option is to be flexible and focus on multiple changes and to put your money towards the first. Or you could work on stages.
Have a proper dimension before purchasing new units appliances for kitchen. Have a precise measurement and don’t avoid problems down the road. This numbers would also be used later as it would be needed by the one who would be assisting you in the project.
To make your dream plan a success, let the experts use their software specifically designed for remodeling. With the two sets of measurements and your preferences you could find a graphic design of your kitchen and whole package cost in the ranges asked by you. For a fair price it is better to visit other experts to get a clear picture on accessories, shelving, lighting as well as handles.
Mix and match from different stores:
After getting a quote never buy all the products from a single store, instead mix and match products from different stores. Thus it would help you to save some bucks. You could also look on line for better offers.
Go in stages:
If you need expensive kitchen units and your budget is tight then half off on few other purchases. For instance, you could put the cash saved toward for something you want to buy keeping old appliances and flooring for a few more months. For a medium face lift you could examine the cabinets for wear and tear and if the hardships are going on than just simply replace the doors. This alone would save tons of your cash by practically boosting value of your home overnight.
Have neutral colors:
There is a probability that the buyers won’t be interested in the artistic flare that you have invested in the form of red borders and green tiles in your kitchen. Not only they would offer you low but you won’t be able to offset the expense involved in undoing your art.
Finally, don’t be too radical and modernize or update your kitchen by all means. Instead stick into a contemporary or unified theme. And also don’t destroy the intrinsic value of what you already had.
Chris is an interior designer and a blogger, who shares his ideas on renovating bedrooms, kitchens at Melbourne