These days, terrific window treatments aren’t just about curtains anymore. Today’s wealth of options when it comes to blinds is finding decorators and designers alike including these useful staples in even the most creative, carefully crafted decorating schemes. This is especially the case when it comes to both fabric and wooden blinds.
Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons attached to each.
Privacy Protection
It goes without saying that one of the main advantages attached to choosing any sort of blinds over traditional curtains is the way they really make you feel like your privacy is protected. However, not every set of blinds is going to be created equally in this regard. Fabric blinds certainly offer a high degree of protection. However, light-filtering fabric blinds may still allow people to discern shapes moving around inside a home or office. Wooden blinds, on the other hand, are much thicker and don’t allow for any sort of visibility from the outside.
Price Point
Naturally, with the economy in the shape that it is right now, it only stands to reason that people are going to be concerned with how much their new blinds are going to cost. Although there are certainly value options available in both fabric blinds and wooden blinds, wooden blinds are going to represent more of an investment. However, they’re going to last a lot longer as well, so keep that in mind.
Fabric blinds are most likely going to be the better pick for those on a super tight budget. However, both are great choices in terms of overall value and both look fantastic as part of a given décor, so which is the better bet really depends on how much you can afford to spend.
Ease of Cleaning
One thing that a lot of people fail to consider when it comes to their new blinds is what they’re going to do about the situation once they inevitably get dirty. If you’re the sort of person to whom it’s important to that cleaning time go quickly and easily, then wooden blinds are going to be a better choice than fabric blinds.
All it really takes to keep wooden blinds looking their best is a quick once-over with a feather duster once in a while and maybe a polishing session every couple of months. Fabric blinds, on the other hand, are going to be far more prone to staining and fading. Dust is really going to and the fabric itself is going to require more TLC when it comes to maintenance. In other words, you’ll need to be prepared to treat your new fabric blinds the same way you would any other piece of fabric furniture in your house.
Versatility and Style
Of course, functionality and overall value are all important considerations, but it’s simply silly to pretend that looks and style don’t matter when it comes to any sort of household décor item. Your final decision on wood versus fabric is no doubt going to have a lot to do with which fits into your decorating plan more easily.
Wooden blinds make great choices for rooms with other wooden accents, as they help preserve the overall theme of the room. They’re also terrific picks for rooms in which you’re seeking a lived in, homey look. Fabric blinds – especially in Roman or roller shade styles – represent wonderful ways to help perpetuate a theme that involves accent colors in contemporary-style rooms.
Regardless of the type of blinds you ultimately decide to go with, it’s important to make sure you do plenty of comparison shopping before making your final decision to make sure you’re getting a good value for your money. Read consumer reviews of specific brands and models to make sure a given option is going to be all it’s cracked up to be before you put your money down. Last but definitely not least, always buy from a vendor that has a solid reputation for doing good business.
At the end of the day, blinds are more than just simple ways to block light and preserve your privacy. They’re also important investments and major parts of your overall decorating scheme. A little time and consideration in regards to the selection process really go a long way!
Michael Gubby is the owner of iSeek Blinds, a leading online retailer selling high end blinds at affordable prices. Michael understands blinds and their various benefits. He has developed manufacturing techniques that allow the best quality custom products. To learn more about Michael visit him on Google+, or his company site https://www.iseekblinds.com.au