By Guest Blogger Audrey Noronha
So why is bespoke furniture so hot and trendy these days? Is it because it allows a blend of functionality and aesthetics? Or is it because they are cheap and affordable to buy and use? The answers are many, but before you go ahead and shop for them online or at brick and mortar outlets, take a look on how to start searching for them.
But for the uninitiated, Bespoke furniture is furniture that is made to the buyer’s specification: custom-made and this type of furniture is usually available from custom crafters.
Now let’s also learn where to look for them too.
Do your homework
There are many service providers online that are willing and waiting to help you with your furnishing needs and requirements. Most of them would offer discounts and savings, too well to resist, but don’t jump the line yet. Ask them for the following.
- Brochures or magazines which would show you a range of bespoke items they have.
- Installation rules and how easy it is for you to handle it.
- If they would do the delivery free of cost and installation too.
- Do they help with modular ranges or not.
- Are they able to customise needs to what your rooms would require?
- Turnaround time on the making and deliverables thereof.
- Designs and styles they can work on.
- How long have they been in the industry?
- Compare prices and rates with at least four to five service providers for bespoke furniture.
- Check the quality for the price you pay.

Are you happy with the workmanship?
Do not comprise on quality to save a few bucks here and there, the workmanship should be of high end range and nothing short of that for the money you pay. They should also get the projects completed in your home if possible, so that you can see what’s being done.
Plan the outcome
Sit and plan with the service providers the visuals you have in mind for the room. Tell them what should be included and within the budget, gather pictures from online sources to explain your visions better. Ask them to come over to your place for an inspection, which they should ideally do. This would help them understand your needs and requirements, and the two of you would be able to narrow down the choices as well. The designers should know your lifestyle and you being honest with them about that would also help. Tell them if you have pets and kids running around, so that they can accordingly design bespoke items that wouldn’t take much space and would be durable at the same time too.

Quotes and estimates
When choosing one of the designers around, ask them for free quotes and estimates with regard to the project in hand. They should give this first to you on the company’s letterhead, which would be full and final.
Another aspect would be to get a layout approved, which reputed surveyors would have specialists at work looking into this. A final CAD copy should be given to you along with the quotation. This would tell you where the furniture items would be placed, and if there need be any changes to make, you can tell them on the spot.
We hope these important tips come in handy when you choose the right service providers to help you with bespoke furnishings and arrangements for the same. You may also try our custom furniture designing tool that helps you to visualize & customize furniture as per your needs & tastes.
Taking a look around on the internet and learning from the pros and experts online would be very helpful before you choose bespoke furnishings such as fitted wardrobes Essex. Audrey Noronha is a leading author with home furnishings and bespoke items, and along with her there are many other experts who blog about tips and tricks to choose the right furniture pieces from online sources.